Obey Bible Study

Obey Bible Study

Are complaining, waiting till the last minute, and half-hearted responses a regular occurrence in your house? Teaching obedience to our kids can be a huge challenge!

Our Obey Bible Study helps parents and children learn by equipping parents to know how to teach obedience that comes from the heart, and using scripture show kids what (or really, WHO) drives true obedience.  In this 4-week, personal study, your kids will look at the how, why, and when to obey, learning:

  • An understanding of rules and authority.
  • The need for immediate and sincere obedience.
  • Why obedience brings blessing.
  • When to obey and how to look at Scripture to evaluate rules and authorities.
  • How to obey the right way.

Grab a study for the whole family and get an honest look at obedience in your home with the Obey Bible Study!

📄 Click here to view sample

This study is part of our Relationship Series, designed to teach your kids Biblical principles for developing and strengthening Christian relationships. Learn more HERE.



This Bible study is available in 5 age levels and is meant to be done individually, then discussed together as a family. Each lesson has a consistent key truth, key Scripture, and central theme, no matter what age level your kids are working in. (More on our Family Bible Study Model HERE

Each study also comes with an age-appropriate fun pack that includes challenge cards, stickers, and a bookmark.

Obedience Bible study for Pre-k - inside

Pre-K (ages 2-4)

  • Written for Mom or Dad to read aloud
  • One key Scripture reference to read per lesson
  • Children color, trace, draw lines, or place stickers to complete an activity based on the theme of the lesson
  • Written in short, catchy rhymes that children can easily understand
  • Designed as a companion to the sibling and parent levels, not as a stand-alone study.
Obey Bible study for children - inside

Primary Level (ages 5–7)

  • Written in paragraph form for Mom or Dad to read aloud
  • One to two Scripture passages to read per lesson
  • Children draw in response to questions
  • Written in language young children can easily understand
  • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 
Obey Bible study for kids- inside

Junior Level (ages 8–12)

  • Children work independently, then discuss with the family
  • Children have lines and boxes to write or draw responses
  • Two to three Scripture passages to read per lesson
  • Written with a focus on issues school-aged kids face
  • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 
Obey Bible study for teens- inside

Youth Level (ages 13+)

  • Teens work independently, then discuss with the family
  • Teens have lines to write their responses with a focus on application and apologetics
  • Three to five Scripture passages to read per lesson
  • Written with a focus on issues teens face
  • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 
Obey Bible study parent guide - inside

Parent Guide

  • Parents work independently, then discuss with the family
  • Parents have lines to write their responses with a focus on application and apologetics
  • Three to five Scripture passages to read per lesson
  • Written with parent tips to guide family discussion
  • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 


Hedge of Thorns Audio Drama CD

Hedge of Thorns Audio Drama (ages 8+)

John is determined to discover the secret that has been kept from him for so long. He must find out what is on the other side of the hedge! John learns that there are grave consequences to crossing the boundaries that God has set for him - an unforgettable lesson that has left an indelible mark on his life.


There is no scripture written out in our studies, only references. When it comes to growing faith, it's crucial that kids look up passages in the Bible for themselves and our studies are written to help them do that!

We study and write using ESV, as well as a variety of translations. Special attention has been given to make sure kids can answer questions regardless of the translation they are using.

We believe that the Bible is the absolute authority in matters of faith and practice. It's 100% true, with no exceptions or figurative sections. We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of Scripture; in one God eternally existing in three Persons; in the creation of all things, including man, as the direct act of God; in eternally secure salvation by grace through faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ; in the incarnation and virgin birth of Christ, and in His bodily resurrection; in the personal, bodily, premillennial return of the Lord Jesus Christ and His millennial reign on earth. Read more here.

This is by far the most common question we get around here. Please check out this video. I'll show you the differences between the levels and walk you through how to use them as a family!

You'll want to purchase one copy per child at their specific age level. This will enable children to study at their level and record their own drawings and responses to the Word.

We highly encourage you to make sure that each child can participate by having their own book on their own level. You can learn more about why in this video.

Each Bible study is a slightly different length, ranging from 20 lessons to 28 lessons. We suggest doing one lesson a day. Most kids find that it takes about 15 minutes a day. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 288 reviews
Beneficial for the whole family!

I did this study with a range of ages from 4 - 16, some of whom were adopted at older ages and all of whom have various backgrounds. This study was good for foundation building for those who needed it and reinforcement for those who have heard it all before. It was beneficial for everyone, especially Mom!

Carmen Cordero
My kids enjoy this Bible study

My kids really like learning about God, this Bible study is easy to follow, and fun for the kids. I read to them the verses and they draw or apply the stickers to where they go. But that’s not all, when ever we tell the kids to do something and they don’t quite want to we ask them if they will choose to obey or not and they think on it and say they will obey and they go and do what we asked of them happily.

Erin Brown
Love this study!

We love how this study breaks down obedience and talks about what obedience looks like and why we choose to obey. Great for all ages and something we regularly reference now in our house!

Jennifer Sanchez

My son and I are using the Obey unit in our homeschool and I’m learning from it too. I’m glad I bought it and will be getting others when it’s time.

Holly Harlukowicz

The obey study has been so wonderful for my boys! It has really helped my oldest grow in his faith and now he wants to be baptized. It’s been so helpful.

Wonderful Resource!

Just finished the Obey study with my 7 and 8 year old kids. This was our first full study from Not Consumed and we loved it. We went with the Primary Level for this study and it was very easy for my kids to read and understand. They recall all the ways we should Obey and they have truly helped them and me in our obedience. We will be starting a new Not Consumed study right away and ordering more for the future!

Linda Jernberg
Grandkids love it!

I bought the Obey Series for my four grandkids aged 6-10. Their dad has been guiding them through it and loves it! The kids love it, too, and are learning how to study and apply God's Word. They are looking forward to seeing the next series that I give them.

Tristan Lane
So great for kids!

I love these Bible study/devotions. This was such a great one! He really got into it as he wears going through it each day, and he talked about what all he learned once he finished the book. He now wants me to get an adult study to do our next one together 😊

Good Bible study

This was our first study and it was great. The layout and questions are nice. Personally, the scripture references isn’t enough, so we read more from the Bible than recommended.
