My Brother's Keeper Sibling Bible Study

My Brother's Keeper Sibling Bible Study

My Brother's Keeper is a 4-week in-depth Bible study on the subject of sibling relationships. We will explore the stories of 10 different siblings from the Bible, some with beautiful stories and some with ugly ones.

Through the stories of these siblings and the pages of Scripture, your children will learn God's true purpose for siblings and families, the issues that siblings face, the responsibilities that they have as siblings, and practical tools for building sibling relationships.

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This study is part of our Relationship Series, designed to teach your kids Biblical principles for developing and strengthening Christian relationships. Learn more HERE.


This Bible study is available in 5 age levels and is meant to be done individually, then discussed together as a family. Each lesson has a consistent key truth, key Scripture, and central theme, no matter what age level your kids are working in. (More on our Family Bible Study Model HERE

Each study also comes with an age-appropriate fun pack that includes challenge cards, stickers, and a bookmark.

My Brother's Keeper Kids Bible study for preschoolers

Pre-K (ages 2-4)

  • Written for Mom or Dad to read aloud
  • One key Scripture reference to read per lesson
  • Children color, trace, draw lines, or place stickers to complete an activity based on the theme of the lesson
  • Written in short, catchy rhymes that children can easily understand
  • Designed as a companion to the sibling and parent levels, not as a stand-alone study.
My Brother's Keeper Kids Bible study for kids

Primary Level (ages 5–7)

  • Written in paragraph form for Mom or Dad to read aloud
  • One to two Scripture passages to read per lesson
  • Children draw in response to questions
  • Written in language young children can easily understand
  • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 
My Brothers Keeper sibling Bible study for kids

Junior Level (ages 8–12)

  • Children work independently, then discuss with the family
  • Children have lines and boxes to write or draw responses
  • Two to three Scripture passages to read per lesson
  • Written with a focus on issues school-aged kids face
  • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 
My Brothers Keeper teen Bible study

Youth Level (ages 13+)

  • Teens work independently, then discuss with the family
  • Teens have lines to write their responses with a focus on application and apologetics
  • Three to five Scripture passages to read per lesson
  • Written with a focus on issues teens face
  • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 

Parent Guide

  • Parents work independently, then discuss with the family
  • Parents have lines to write their responses with a focus on application and apologetics
  • Three to five Scripture passages to read per lesson
  • Written with parent tips to guide family discussion
  • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 


A Tale of Two Siblings (All Ages) - Digital Download

This is a digital download. Nothing will be shipped to you.

It was the best of times, but now it’s the worst of times as two siblings let a rivalry spiral out of control. Their quarreling damages everything they love, and they learn that a house divided cannot stand. Can they forgive and reconcile to save their kingdom? Grab a poncho and a sibling for this urchin-flinging adventure!

Elijah and the Famine Audio Drama CD

Elijah and the Famine Audio Drama

When an eccentric professor brings his time machine to Crestview Elementary School for the science demonstration, six unsuspecting students are in for the adventure of a lifetime as they are accidentally sent back in time!



There is no scripture written out in our studies, only references. When it comes to growing faith, it's crucial that kids look up passages in the Bible for themselves and our studies are written to help them do that!

We study and write using ESV, as well as a variety of translations. Special attention has been given to make sure kids can answer questions regardless of the translation they are using.

We believe that the Bible is the absolute authority in matters of faith and practice. It's 100% true, with no exceptions or figurative sections. We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of Scripture; in one God eternally existing in three Persons; in the creation of all things, including man, as the direct act of God; in eternally secure salvation by grace through faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ; in the incarnation and virgin birth of Christ, and in His bodily resurrection; in the personal, bodily, premillennial return of the Lord Jesus Christ and His millennial reign on earth. Read more here.

This is by far the most common question we get around here. Please check out this video. I'll show you the differences between the levels and walk you through how to use them as a family!

You'll want to purchase one copy per child at their specific age level. This will enable children to study at their level and record their own drawings and responses to the Word.

We highly encourage you to make sure that each child can participate by having their own book on their own level. You can learn more about why in this video.

Each Bible study is a slightly different length, ranging from 20 lessons to 28 lessons. We suggest doing one lesson a day. Most kids find that it takes about 15 minutes a day. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 418 reviews
Wonderful Resource

This is a wonderful resource for siblings! Thank you Not Consumed


I bought two of the 13 and up and one of the 8 -12. I plan to begin this with them. I hope for this to help them see their brothers through eyes of grace and love like God has called us to,

Tool to help my kids

I bought this to help my youngest three sons work through their issues and love each other unconditionally. I am excited to begin this with them,

Molly S.
Thank you!

After lots of bickering and arguing between my 4th and 1st graders, we got this study and man, has it wonderfully hit home for them! We so enjoy doing this study all together and it's awesome that we each have a book at our own level. It's so practical, too, and is really challenging them to do the Word, not just hear it. Thank you so much!

I loved it

I have been using this book for my kids every day and they like it a lot. I liked the way each scripture has been place together that goes perfectly with daily situations that siblings experience. I also see them more excited to highlight some verses in their own copy of scriptures. Thank you thank you!!

Nicole B.

My 5 and 6 year old boys are on the younger side for this but I am modifying as needed and they are loving it! They ask every night to do this!

Anita I.
Wonderful Product AND Company!!

The product ordered was outstanding but WOW, the Customer Svc was amazing! And a fun surprise gift was included in my order as well! Highly recommend! Thx so much, Not Consumed!!

Malery H.
My brothers keeper

My four year old LOVES starting the school day with the “My brothers keeper”. Such great scripture throughout, we just placed a new order with a new study because this one was so good!

Great Biblical Study for Sibling Relationships

This is a great resource for a parent who wants to bring the Gospel and the love of Christ to their home. My kids' relationships have improved a lot since we did this study. They learned the purpose of family/siblings and their respective roles in each other's lives. This is a great way to show our kids how God would have them treat each other. Each day is a different aspect of sibling relationships in the Bible, together with a prompt and activity. It's a well-made book with sibling challenge cards and stickers - a great study!
