Well Done: Stewarding the Good Things God Gives Us Bible Study (Digital Site License)

In a world that values overconsumption and self-recognition, our kids can easily become preoccupied with having the latest technology, gaining the most friends, and keeping up with all the trends. Everything around them is saying that their time, influence, and affection should serve only themselves, and our kids often believe those lies. They can’t value the good things they’ve been given because they don’t understand that they are actually gifts from God! 

Parents and kids can each benefit from a biblical foundation for stewardship - learning how to care for the material and spiritual things God has given us. In Well Done, your entire family will see how God gives us gifts and abilities as well as the wisdom to use them well. In this study on biblical stewardship, your kids will:

  • Reorient their attitudes toward the things God gives them.
  • Understand that God gives generously and undeservedly.
  • Align their priorities to understand that the good things God gives us go far beyond possessions.
  • Recognize the privilege and responsibility of stewarding their gifts well.
  • Grow in gratitude and responsibility for God's gifts, both material and spiritual.

Order your copy of Well Done today and help your kids steward their gifts with grateful hearts!

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