
Spiritual Disciplines Series Bundle

One of the most important things we can teach our kids is how to grow in their relationship with God. It’s easy for us to tell them to pray, have a quiet time, study the Bible, steward their lives well, and share the Gospel, but it can be difficult to teach them how to live out those spiritual disciplines in a practical and meaningful way.

Our Spiritual Disciplines Series gives kids and teens the tools they need to use their time and talents for God’s glory. In this set of 5 different Bible studies, they will learn the importance of a Biblical foundation for prayer, having a quiet time, Bible study, stewardship, and evangelism, as well as practical tips and frameworks to create lifelong commitments to these spiritual disciplines.

This bundle includes:
  • Amen: A Bible Study on Prayer*
  • Developing a Quiet Time: Grow the Fruitful Habit of Time with God
  • Seek Him: How to Study the Bible
  • Well Done: Stewarding the Good Things God Gives Us
  • Shine: Learning to Share Jesus with Others
Since the topics in this series are best studied at an older age, the Spiritual Disciplines Bundle is offered in three levels: Junior, Youth, and Parent Guide.

In addition to these amazing studies, we also have included some fun bonus items designed specifically for this series:
  • 5 Waterproof Vinyl Stickers (perfect for laptops or water bottles)
  • Multicolored highlighters to use during Bible study
  • Mini binoculars to remind kids to seek Jesus

Equip your kids and teens to incorporate these spiritual disciplines into their lives by ordering this bundle today!

*Previously In The Garden
 **NOTE: The box and bonus items are not included with the Parent Guide set.


Each bundle includes all 5 Bible Studies designed for the appropriate age level. Each lesson has a consistent key truth, key Scripture, and central theme, no matter what age level your kids are working in. Each study also comes with an age-appropriate fun pack that includes challenge cardsstickers, and a bookmark. (More on our Family Bible Study Model HERE

Junior Level (ages 8–12)

  • Children work independently, then discuss with the family
  • Children have lines and boxes to write or draw responses
  • Two to four verses to read per lesson
  • Written with a focus on issues school-aged kids face
  • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 

Youth Level (ages 13+)

  • Teens work independently, then discuss with the family
  • Teens have lines to write their responses with a focus on application and apologetics
  • Four to eight verses to read per lesson
  • Written with a focus on issues teens face
  • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 

Parent Guide

  • Parents work independently, then discuss with the family
  • Parents have lines to write their responses with a focus on application and apologetics
  • Four to eight verses to read per lesson
  • Written with parent tips to guide family discussion
  • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 

NOTE: The box and bonus items are not included with the Parent Guide set.



There is no scripture written out in our studies, only references. When it comes to growing faith, it's crucial that kids look up passages in the Bible for themselves and our studies are written to help them do that!

We study and write using ESV, as well as a variety of translations. Special attention has been given to make sure kids can answer questions regardless of the translation they are using.

We believe that the Bible is the absolute authority in matters of faith and practice. It's 100% true, with no exceptions or figurative sections. We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of Scripture; in one God eternally existing in three Persons; in the creation of all things, including man, as the direct act of God; in eternally secure salvation by grace through faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ; in the incarnation and virgin birth of Christ, and in His bodily resurrection; in the personal, bodily, premillennial return of the Lord Jesus Christ and His millennial reign on earth. Read more here.

This is by far the most common question we get around here. Please check out this video. I'll show you the differences between the levels and walk you through how to use them as a family!

You'll want to purchase one copy per child at their specific age level. This will enable children to study at their level and record their own drawings and responses to the Word.

We highly encourage you to make sure that each child can participate by having their own book on their own level. You can learn more about why in this video.

Each Bible study is a slightly different length, ranging from 20 lessons to 28 lessons. We suggest doing one lesson a day. Most kids find that it takes about 15 minutes a day. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Rachel B.
Excellent study tool for discipleship

In looking through this study, I am so excited to use it with my boys who have both prayed to accept Jesus as their Savior! As usual, each item in the bundle is made with the highest quality! We may even choose to use this study in our church for new believers.

Chanel Bruney
Great set!

We bought 2 sets of these and they are beautiful! Flipped through a few of the studies and just can’t wait to dive in when we finish our current not consumed study. Love the topics in this set!

Laura B
Amazing bundle!

I bought three bundles to work thru these studies with my oldest two kids. I'm so excited for it! The bundle is an excellent value and the additional highlighters, stickers, and binoculars are such a fun touch.
