Sibling Conflict Chart

Do you ever feel like a referee between your children? One of them has wronged the other, and you're just trying to make a fair call. As parents, we want to be consistent and guide our kids through Biblical truths, but sometimes all you can do is pull out the whistle and stop the fighting. 

The heart behind our magnetic Sibling Conflict Chart is to provide both Scripture and consistency when resolving conflict between siblings. With different sides on the double-sided chart for the one who sinned and the one who was sinned against, the chart walks through Scripture, prayer, and action to bring reconciliation and peace between siblings. Not only that but the chart has been designed for your kids to consult and resolve conflict on their own - no need to play referee anymore!

Our Sibling Conflict Chart is size 8.5" x 11", double-sided, and magnetic— perfect to put on your refrigerator for quick and easy use. Grab a chart and help create true peace and resolution in your home today!



Customer Reviews

Based on 32 reviews
Wonderful tool

This chart is amazing. It provides the steps and verse(s) to point them to Jesus and give them the “why” behind the issue. My older kids look them up themselves and make restitution while I help the younger ones through the process. This chart has definitely been a game changer!

Chelsie Phillips
“Go to the fridge”

This wonderful magnet has brought some peace and great conversations to our home! In a house with 4 boys conflicts are inevitable, but, rather than play referee all day, I can say “go to the fridge” .Instead of continuing to bicker, they get to gather some resolve, self reflect, and we all get to have meaningful conversations.

Sibling Chart

Before finding this, I had been looking for ways to teach my children to work through conflicts. After using it for only a week, my kids know that when they fight, I'm going to send them to the sibling conflict chart. My son even suggested it one day. Thanks to the easy steps, my kids (9 and 10) can do it independently!

Love it!

Great for elementary age and up kids!

Lauren Earnest

This chart is an excellent resource as a parent even more so than for the kids! My 7 year old daughter and 5 year old son have been in a season of frequently fighting and being unkind to one another. I bought this chart as well as a Bible study. As a parent I sometimes don’t know how to respond when my kids have conflict, this spells it out for you! I love that it looks to the word so my kids know I’m not just “being a mean mom” or “taking someone’s side” but i am looking to the source of truth.


This conflict management chart has helped my kids resolve issues in a more respectful way. It also works when they have issues with friends.

Problem solver

My kids are like new kids after using this it’s so amazing and the fact that they are learning about god and helping with how to navigate there emotions with this game changer.


Great way to introduce God into conversations with your children "when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way, when the lies down and when thou risest up." Love this. Recently bought one for my sister-in-law and she loves it as well!


Excited to use this. I've been needing something like this for awhile. I love to have scripture immediately at my finger tips and to walk them through the process step by step. Once again, ya'll are doing a great job. I may add a few more for other things we are specifically dealing with.
