Navigating Friendships Bible Study

Navigating Friendships Bible Study

Do your kids have friends who will support them through life's storms? Or do they have friendships that are superficial and downright unhelpful?

Our 4-week Navigating Friendships Bible Study is here to help your student understand the purpose of friendships in their lives. In this study, your kids will:

  • Look at what the Bible has to say about friendship
  • Understand the importance of deep, godly friendships
  • Learn how to pick friends who will be good influences
  • Categorize and prioritize friends to spend the most time with and the relationships that are most important
  • Learn how to be a godly friend and show God's love to others

Help your kids build lasting, meaningful friendships based on truth by studying the Bible in this handy study!

📄 Click here to view sample

This study is part of our Relationship Series, designed to teach your kids Biblical principles for developing and strengthening Christian relationships. Learn more HERE.



This Bible study is available in 5 age levels and is meant to be done individually, then discussed together as a family. Each lesson has a consistent key truth, key Scripture, and central theme, no matter what age level your kids are working in. (More on our Family Bible Study Model HERE

Each study also comes with an age-appropriate fun pack that includes challenge cards, stickers, and a bookmark.

Navigating Friendships Pre-K Bible study inside

Pre-K (ages 2-4)

  • Written for Mom or Dad to read aloud
  • One key Scripture reference to read per lesson
  • Children color, trace, draw lines, or place stickers to complete an activity based on the theme of the lesson
  • Written in short, catchy rhymes that children can easily understand
  • Designed as a companion to the sibling and parent levels, not as a stand-alone study.
Navigating Friendships children's Bible study inside

Primary Level (ages 5–7)

  • Written in paragraph form for Mom or Dad to read aloud
  • One to two Scripture passages to read per lesson
  • Children draw in response to questions
  • Written in language young children can easily understand
  • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 
Navigating Friendships kids Bible study

Junior Level (ages 8–12)

  • Children work independently, then discuss with the family
  • Children have lines and boxes to write or draw responses
  • Two to three Scripture passages to read per lesson
  • Written with a focus on issues school-aged kids face
  • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 
Navigating Friendships teen Bible study inside

Youth Level (ages 13+)

  • Teens work independently, then discuss with the family
  • Teens have lines to write their responses with a focus on application and apologetics
  • Three to five Scripture passages to read per lesson
  • Written with a focus on issues teens face
  • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 
Navigating Friendships Bible study Parent Guide inside

Parent Guide

  • Parents work independently, then discuss with the family
  • Parents have lines to write their responses with a focus on application and apologetics
  • Three to five Scripture passages to read per lesson
  • Written with parent tips to guide family discussion
  • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 


Basket of Flowers Audio Drama CD

Basket of Flowers Audio Drama (Ages 8+)

James, the king's gardener, teaches his 15-year-old daughter Mary all the principles of godliness through his flowers. This all-star cast will bring to light the undeniable truth that God will never leave us nor forsake us.

Lost in Space Audio Drama CD

Lost in Space Audio Drama

When Professor Phineas T. Boggs' new assistant, Chester, accidentally sends him to the future, a journey of a lifetime begins! Chester, Tina, and the rest of the gang all must work together to rescue Professor Boggs. But this time, Laura Sharp, the editor of a popular science magazine, interferes, sending them hurtling through time and space on a mind-blowing adventure!



There is no scripture written out in our studies, only references. When it comes to growing faith, it's crucial that kids look up passages in the Bible for themselves and our studies are written to help them do that!

We study and write using ESV, as well as a variety of translations. Special attention has been given to make sure kids can answer questions regardless of the translation they are using.

We believe that the Bible is the absolute authority in matters of faith and practice. It's 100% true, with no exceptions or figurative sections. We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of Scripture; in one God eternally existing in three Persons; in the creation of all things, including man, as the direct act of God; in eternally secure salvation by grace through faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ; in the incarnation and virgin birth of Christ, and in His bodily resurrection; in the personal, bodily, premillennial return of the Lord Jesus Christ and His millennial reign on earth. Read more here.

This is by far the most common question we get around here. Please check out this video. I'll show you the differences between the levels and walk you through how to use them as a family!

You'll want to purchase one copy per child at their specific age level. This will enable children to study at their level and record their own drawings and responses to the Word.

We highly encourage you to make sure that each child can participate by having their own book on their own level. You can learn more about why in this video.

Each Bible study is a slightly different length, ranging from 20 lessons to 28 lessons. We suggest doing one lesson a day. Most kids find that it takes about 15 minutes a day. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 57 reviews
Audrey Choate
Great content

Not only am I loving the content for my kids, but as an adult who has grown up in the church, this is a topic that I’m learning so much for myself! The analogies and questions are great. We love that the length of the studies is shorter and the stickers are a huge hit in our household. So thankful to help develop quiet times in our home.

We enjoyed this Study!!

We did this study twice over because life kept happening and it was great both times! We really enjoyed how it made us think and work together as we "navigated friendships!"

Vivienne Nelson
One of our favorites

I did this study with my 10 and 13 year old. It was a great conversation starter for many of the issue we are facing and will be facing with friendships, especially over the next few years. A lot of good reminders for mom about my “crew” and building friendships too!

Jewel Taylor
This has stuck with my kids!

We have done many of the Not Consumed Bible Studies, and this is by far our favorite! The illustration about building friendships from the inside out, using the example of a boat/ship, has truly stuck with my kiddos. The Scripture used really helped my girls through a difficult time with being hurt by friends (even those who are believers), so they could heal, and learn how to be a good friend themselves. Most importantly, my girls are now thinking about and making wise decisions about which friends should go in which category and the reasons why. Life changing! Soo thankful for these resources as a mom!

Rebekah Nafziger
Well written and engaging!

We just moved to a new church community and our older children (ages 16, 14, 10) are needing to make friends. Doing this Bible study together helped them each navigate choosing friends wisely and learning to be the kind of friend they'd want to have. I really enjoyed how the Bible study started by placing parents and siblings as the closest friends and building from there to a select couple friends. Very applicable to family relationships as well.

Courtney Price
Kids small group bible study

I hosted and lead a small group this past summer using this study. We all loved! Parents and kids ranging from 4 years old to 12 years old. It was an awesome study to do in between school years and for those that were about to be starting new schools.

Great for Middle School Girls

My stepdaughter is in Middle School and the girls this age can be mean. My stepdaughter said she learned so much from this study and thinks all middle school girls should complete it!

Navigating Friendships Bible Study

This is the second study we’ve done from Not consumed; yet another great study filled with scripture that we enjoyed with our oldest kiddo who is discerning between friendships and how to be a friend himself.

So timely

This is perfect for kids preparing to head off to school. It can be so daunting and this was so good to work through with my young elementary school kid. loved it!
