Rock of Salvation Bible Study

Rock of Salvation Bible Study

It is an incredible thing when a child accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior. But what comes next? And what if your child isn't really sure about the decision they made?

Rock of Salvation will answer your kids' questions about what salvation is, why we need it, and how the decision to put our faith in Jesus provides a foundation for our lives! Whether your kids are unsaved or already believers, this study will help them understand that trusting God for salvation is life-changing.

In this study, we will:

  • Understand that accepting God’s truth is the only way to be saved
  • Explore how salvation affects change in every part of our lives 
  • Discover the riches and blessings that are part of a relationship with Jesus
  • Learn that sharing the Gospel with others is your mission after salvation

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    This study is part of our Foundations Series, designed to help your family build a solid foundation of knowledge and relationship with God. Learn more HERE


    This Bible study is available in 5 age levels and is meant to be done individually, then discussed together as a family. Each lesson has a consistent key truth, key Scripture, and central theme, no matter what age level your kids are working in. (More on our Family Bible Study Model HERE

    Each study also comes with an age-appropriate fun pack that includes challenge cards, stickers, and a bookmark.

    Rock Salvation Pre-K Bible Study Inside

    Pre-K (ages 2-4)

    • Written for Mom or Dad to read aloud
    • One key Scripture reference to read per lesson
    • Children color, trace, draw lines, or place stickers to complete an activity based on the theme of the lesson
    • Written in short, catchy rhymes that children can easily understand
    • Designed as a companion to the sibling and parent levels, not as a stand-alone study.
    Rock Salvation Children's Bible Study Inside

    Primary Level (ages 5–7)

    • Written in paragraph form for Mom or Dad to read aloud
    • One to two Scripture passages to read per lesson
    • Children draw in response to questions
    • Written in language young children can easily understand
    • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 
    Rock Salvation Kids Bible Study Inside

    Junior Level (ages 8–12)

    • Children work independently, then discuss with the family
    • Children have lines and boxes to write or draw responses
    • Two to three Scripture passages to read per lesson
    • Written with a focus on issues school-aged kids face
    • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 
    Rock Salvation Teen Bible Study Inside

    Youth Level (ages 13+)

    • Teens work independently, then discuss with the family
    • Teens have lines to write their responses with a focus on application and apologetics
    • Three to five Scripture passages to read per lesson
    • Written with a focus on issues teens face
    • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 
    Rock Salvation Bible Study parent guide Inside

    Parent Guide

    • Parents work independently, then discuss with the family
    • Parents have lines to write their responses with a focus on application and apologetics
    • Three to five Scripture passages to read per lesson
    • Written with parent tips to guide family discussion
    • Includes challenge cards that encourage personal application 


    Whale of a Tale Audio Drama CD

    Whale of a Tale Audio Drama (All Ages)

    This is a digital download. Nothing will be shipped to you.

    Along the rocky coast of a New England whaling town a lighthouse shines brightly into the darkest night. Mobsters, busybodies, and poachers plot to put out the light once and for all. Can the crew of the Jolly Roger keep the light shining? Or will rumors of a Great Killer Whale keep them at bay? Grab your harpoon and find out in this whale-sized adventure!

    Sir Knight of the Splendid Way Audio Drama (Ages 12+)

    Sir Knight of the Splendid Way Audio Drama (Ages 12+)

    Deep into the Vale of Promise ventures Sir Constant, a young knight who desires nothing more than to be in the service of the Great King. Though unworthy of this high calling, he sets forth on the Splendid Way—the perilous road that all who desire to serve the King must take. A rich allegory wrought with biblical truth.



    There is no scripture written out in our studies, only references. When it comes to growing faith, it's crucial that kids look up passages in the Bible for themselves and our studies are written to help them do that!

    We study and write using ESV, as well as a variety of translations. Special attention has been given to make sure kids can answer questions regardless of the translation they are using.

    We believe that the Bible is the absolute authority in matters of faith and practice. It's 100% true, with no exceptions or figurative sections. We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of Scripture; in one God eternally existing in three Persons; in the creation of all things, including man, as the direct act of God; in eternally secure salvation by grace through faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ; in the incarnation and virgin birth of Christ, and in His bodily resurrection; in the personal, bodily, premillennial return of the Lord Jesus Christ and His millennial reign on earth. Read more here.

    This is by far the most common question we get around here. Please check out this video. I'll show you the differences between the levels and walk you through how to use them as a family!

    You'll want to purchase one copy per child at their specific age level. This will enable children to study at their level and record their own drawings and responses to the Word.

    We highly encourage you to make sure that each child can participate by having their own book on their own level. You can learn more about why in this video.

    Each Bible study is a slightly different length, ranging from 20 lessons to 28 lessons. We suggest doing one lesson a day. Most kids find that it takes about 15 minutes a day. 

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 9 reviews
    Love this study!

    We are working through this study as a family and really enjoying it. It’s full of so many important truths! My 4 year old does the pre-k level, 7 year old does primary, and 9 year old does junior. I love that they can each participate on their own level and then discuss together. Highly recommended!

    Christy Wahl
    I am so thankful we found this study!

    My son and I are doing this study every morning before we start school. I love the simple way it connects the dots to show how much God loves us- and how we could never earn a way into Heaven, it is only through Jesus. After the conclussion of each day's passage I encourage my son to pray outloud- and his heartfelt conversation with God is melting my heart! He's understanding and desire for his own personal relationship with The Father is growing and I am so blessed to be witnessing it. Thank you for sparking this growth!


    This study is great. We love it so far.

    So good esp for those young and in the church

    This is so good for kids growing up in the church. It provides a good foundation for them!


    Wow had no idea the study came with challenge cards, stickers and a bookmark. It is soo important to lay that foundation.


    Great way to help my kids know why a solid Christian foundation is so important. Short and sweet so it keeps their attention. Love it!

    Reviewer avatar
    Another excellent study

    I love Not Consumed's studies. I just wish there were more of them to do! So well written and thought provoking. I hope that they develop a series specifically for adults!

    Reviewer avatar
    Very well written!

    We are about halfway through this study. I'm so grateful for it. I feel like my daughter is getting a good, biblical foundation under her. I pray that this study opens her heart!

    Dora Dillow
    Firm Foundation for a life as Christian

    This study takes your child on a journey about what a firm foundation in life means, and that is having the Rock of salvation in Christ. It explains what is salvation and what salvation does for you in your life and afterlife. It's an eclectic study as it talks about the body of Christ, how to find truth, wisdom, joy and satisfaction in life, hope for eternity, true belief, growing and bearing fruit, sharing Christ... all in a very simple manner for a child. It has 20 lessons and stickers your child can use however they like with the same anchored, lighthouse, lifeboat theme. It comes with 4 challenge cards. They are very simple but good for the topic. For example, the first week, your child has to find the perfect rock to paint Psalm 18:46 and keep it in his/her room where they can see it. The challenge cards are great ways to connect with the study in your child's life, either with a manual activity or action on your child's part. It comes with a bookmark. This is the perfect introduction to what a life as a Christian is truly about. I appreciate the simple way to engage with your kids when you read. These short lessons have introductory topics related to real life to make your kids think about the subject, a few Bible verses to read, and then the truth you want to teach, all in one page. Then your child will do an activity that involves drawing, coloring or tracing all in one page. Like I said before, this book is a great way to explain to your kids about Christian life. I am curious now about the parents' guide book. I wonder if this could be a great resource as an adult who is new in the faith or is a little confused about what a life as a christian is and why we do things a certain way. But, get this study, its a great product for the price!
