
Obey Bible Study - Clearance

Find the 2023 redesigned study here!

Are complaining, waiting till the last minute, and half-hearted responses a regular occurrence in your house? Teaching obedience to our kids can be a huge challenge!

Our Obey Bible Study helps parents and children learn by equipping parents to know how to teach obedience that comes from the heart, and using scripture show kids what (or really, WHO) drives true obedience.  In this 4-week, personal study, your kids will look at the how, why, and when to obey, learning:

  • An understanding of rules and authority.
  • The need for immediate and sincere obedience.
  • Why obedience brings blessing.
  • When to obey and how to look at Scripture to evaluate rules and authorities.
  • How to obey the right way.

Grab a study for the whole family and get an honest look at obedience in your home with the Obey Bible Study!

**NOTE: Clearance versions not available in all levels**

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews

I loved this study. I bought this one and a few others on clearance and what a deal.
Great addition to Bible in our homeschool.
Read through it with my daughter and got a whole new perspective on obedience. Will definitely be using this again

Krystal F

Awesome studies on obedience to the Lord

Great Study

Great study to show the importance and discipline of obedience in our walk with Christ.

Sherry Russell
Life changing

Out of all the studies that we have done, my daughter says that this one was the most life changing for her. I have even noticed the difference in her. She really wants to obey! Not just to obey her parents, but to obey God! It makes me so happy!

Chasity Rosario
Great Study

Love doing these with my children. We are learning and growing together.


Love the way it is mapped out!

Joni Stephenson
Great study

Amazing resource. Thoughtful and Biblical study. Definitely worth the buy

Michaela Darling
Where do I start?

I have a child who is hard. I’ll just be blunt and honest: this child is just a hard one to parent. Their start in life was not easy (abandoned by birth mother at less than a year) and this child has just been through more than any kid should. So while they are often given extra grace- their father and I still have to raise them… that’s where this study comes in. This child tends to have a huge problem with obedience and often behaves as if they are the boss. Authority is an issue. Especially Godly authority. This child used to say things like “if I can’t see God then I don’t have to do what He tells me”… yikes. The good news is this study has helped them see that Godly authority is to be obeyed whole heartedly. It has even helped us to implement respect for parental authority in our household. Thank you! This study did more than the therapy did!


This is amazing, highly recommend!!
