
Thrive: Health and Physical Education for Homeschoolers

Fulfilling high school P.E. requirements can be difficult when your teen isn't "sporty" or simply doesn't have time for a rigorous sports schedule. A school year involving nightly practices, weekend soccer games, or early morning swim meets isn't the only way to get that physical education credit.

This is why we wrote Thrive: Health and Physical Education for Homeschoolers! This 36-week P.E. curriculum is specifically geared towards teaching teens in grades 9-12 why physical activity is important for them as well as showing how to make good choices for their health. Your teen will learn about how God made their body to function, the importance of sleep, hydration and nutrition, how to exercise safely, and so much more! This biblically-based curriculum:

  • covers a whole year of physical education, making it simple to earn that P.E. credit.
  • teaches teens how to care for their bodies that God created.
  • talks about nutrition, not just activity, giving a well-rounded education to teens.
  • allows high schoolers to work independently to learn to monitor their physical activity, nutrition, and general health habits.
  • introduces a wide variety of exercises and physical activity options so teens can discover the activities that work for them.
  • includes a pre and post assessment to mark both knowledge and physical ability.
  • documents and tracks physical activity through a Get Moving Journal.

Not only can you fulfill credit requirements, but you'll also help your teen discover the amazing ways God designed their body while learning the benefit of physical exercise and good nutrition!

An Answer Key to the assessments is included in the curriculum.



High School physical education
High School P.E. Curriculum
High School PE and Health curriculum



Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Fit for Life

Thrive is a Health and PE course combined. It is user friendly, fun, and interesting for my homeschooled sophomore. I like that it motivates her to be active and healthy. I especially appreciate that the physical activities are things she can easily do on her own without having to buy any additional sports equipment or gym membership. My daughter likes that she’s learning a lot through researching things, the drawings are engaging, and the activities are fun and easy. We would recommend this course!

Can't wait to use this

Thrive will be perfect for my 9th grader this fall. Before finding this I wasn't sure what my oldest would be able to use for his P.E./Health credit. I love that it is a great combo of eating healthy and physical exercise! The layout is very user friendly and pleasant for our ADHD brains, so thank you for that!

Molly R
Great Resource!

My children are still in elementary grades, but I ordered this book for myself. So far it’s been a great refresher on general health information, and I’ve become fascinated all over again with how amazing God has created our bodies to be! I am really excited to continue working through this book. I think it would be a great resource for students to work through - the lessons are bite size and every day you are encouraged to move your body. It will provide high schoolers with a solid understanding of a healthy lifestyle, while also underscoring the reason WHY we care for our bodies - they are not our own, they are a temple where the Holy Spirit dwells, and they deserve to be taken care of as such!

Ashley S.
So excited for the new homeschool curriculum!!

I’m so excited for the new homeschool curriculum! My daughter will be a freshmen next year and this def. Takes some of the stress away as far as trying to find a good Christian health/P.E. Curriculum that counts as a full credit! Hoping for more curriculum releases in the future!

Tonya Stewart

I have just thumbed through the book and hope to use it next school year. I like what I see so far.

Jennifer Lewis
Throughly Thriving!

This curriculum book is super extensive about the subjects we'll be covering. It has a beautiful and easy to learn layout and walk through of the materials that makes sense to the student. I'm kind of tempted to get a set for myself to learn alongside my kids!


I am so excited to use this for my high schooler. I have been looking around for something to fulfill the health requirement and there are several options but I love the perspective of NC. This book doesn’t look overly burdensome but will help tech how to care for one’s body in a way that honors God.

This is The One!

I have been looking for a program like this for a while. It combines nutrition, health and PE for all types of kids whether they like popular sports or find joy in everyday movement/activity. YouTube video placeholder
