
Project Clean: Chore Chart Pack

How often have you gotten to the end of a day or week and been overwhelmed by everything that didn't get cleaned up or taken care of? You don't have the energy to chase your kids down to finish the chores, so you either do it yourself or go to bed frustrated with the mess in your home.

It doesn't have to be this way! With our Project Clean: Chore Chart Pack, you can make a plan for tackling daily and weekly household tasks, set it up with your family, and let the chart do the work of keeping your kids accountable.

Each Project Clean pack provides one child with their own lanyard, badge, and chore cards to keep track of their personal chores and the progress that they make.

This comprehensive chore pack:

  • Provides kids with their own lanyard to track their chores independently
  • Motivates kids with an award sticker chart for each skill "mastered"
  • Teaches kids how to take ownership and care for their things
  • Prepares kids to be clean, responsible adults
  • Takes the burden off of you as a parent to make sure everything is complete and done correctly

Don't stress the mess! Order your chore pack and get started on Project Clean today!

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
This a fun way to learn how to clean

My kids love this. A great idea from Not Consumed.


High quality!

Andrea Beyer
Great for kids who suffer with ADHD or focus

My child suffers with ADHD. This tool was extremely helpful for us as a family to have the cleaning list ready and accessible for her so she can stay on task and mark off what she’s accomplished as she goes. She loved it and we will continue using it in the future 💕

A. Garritson
Great Reminder

Our 3 boys using it as a reminder! They still tend to forget the chores though one very helpful are the Words written in. We recite together Colossians 3:23 & start again. Thank you for always having great products.
